Cloud Storage



Almost all organizations need shared storage today. Shared storage has been used for on-premise deployments for a long time. Enterprise applications typically need access to a common set of data that is stored on a server.

Multiple users, either people or applications, mount the data as a local volume and they have access to the common set of data. In this way, the storage system is independent of its users. You don’t have to copy data to each server that needs access to the data, which makes it easier to manage the data and helps to optimize the usage of storage. Unlike with direct-attached storage, where you might have unutilized storage capacity associated with some servers, with shared storage, you utilize what you need and can scale up when required.

The use case for shared storage in the cloud is similar to on-premise enterprise deployments. It offers the same benefits. Shared storage makes data management simpler, faster, more efficient, and easier to scale. Besides, some shared storage solutions enable you to implement strategies for high availability and disaster recovery.



  • On-premises or cloud
  • Customizable and scaleable
  • No data leaks to third parties

Nextcloud puts your data at your fingertips, under your control. Store your documents, calendar, contacts and photos on a server at home, at one of our providers or in a data center you trust.

Nextcloud Hub

Content collaboration platforms offer impressive productivity gains but lead to a loss of control over business critical and sensitive data. As a fully on-premises solution, Nextcloud provides the benefits of online collaboration without the compliance and security risks.

Hub integrates the four key Nextcloud products Files, Talk, Groupware and Office into a single platform, optimizing the flow of collaboration. Eliminate the confusing hodgepodge of different SaaS tools and the compliance, security, cost and productivity issues that come with it and standardize on a single solution with Nextcloud Hub

Why self-hosting?

Because your data is everywhere

Right now, nearly ALL data there is about you is stored at half a dozen companies, with names changing per country (Facebook, wechat, Vk, Google, Weibo, Tencent, Microsoft). They know where you live, what you search for, who you talk to, what you buy, what you eat and –probably– what you think.

Maybe you just care about privacy

Even if your data isn’t abused –they promise not to, right?– isn’t it nobody’s business what you do?
We believe privacy is a right, a foundation for democracy. And we like to help you get it back.
And running your own, private Nextcloud server is the best way to get started!

Because knowledge is power

Your data represents who you are and can easily be abused. And power gets abused. Always. Maybe by a local politician who doesn’t like that you discovered his fraud. A local police woman who likes your boyfriend. A well connected businessman who likes to buy your store for cheap. A crime syndicate annoyed you try to help drug addicts kick off.

Maybe you just care about privacy

Even if your data isn’t abused –they promise not to, right?– isn’t it nobody’s business what you do?
We believe privacy is a right, a foundation for democracy. And we like to help you get it back.
And running your own, private Nextcloud server is the best way to get started!